“Hum Sudharenge, Jag Sudharega” – Bunch of Fools.
Bunch of Fools— a Raipur-based youth organisation dedicate their weekends to clean the dirtiest neighborhoods in the state capital. They give these neglected areas a fresh lease of life by painting decrepitude walls with pop of colours and thoughtful messages!
Following the philosophy of Ekla cholo re, the Bunch of fools are obsessed about cleanliness. They strongly believe in “Hum Sudhrenge Jag Sudhrega”.

Inspired by the Swachha Bharat Abhiyaan by Shri Narendra Modi, seven friends came together to start the Bunch of fools on 2nd November 2014. They choose an area and conduct a cleaning and awareness drive on Swacchta every Sunday. They have been growing every day. A team of 7 members in now a family of 150+.They have cleaned 298 spots till date and haven’t missed a single Sunday.
Their activities have been appreciated by the honourable Prime Minister on more than one occasion.
The founder members explain,”We are working on behavioural change in a unique way, where we don’t teach people what to but instead we try to think the way they do! We use mediums such as Nukkad Naatak, Treasure Hunt, Flash Mobs and Fashion Shows!
Be a part of their wonderful cleanliness journey!