The co-founder and business head of Codevector Labs, an Artificial Intelligence based product and services Company is also a co-founder of Logy.AI, an award winning AI platform aiding in diagnosis of diseases, democratizing the way rapid clinical AI models are made. He also consults with Government agencies to help strategize on AI projects. In the past he has been part of a team that had built an automated irrigation system for farmers in India which was highly successful, with both national and international laurels.

Priyanjit Ghosh – a student entrepreneur, recognized his entrepreneurial instinct in his first year of MBA at IIM Raipur. As a student entrepreneur he started with his fitness startup venture with six students from leading educational institutes in Chhattisgarh .However this venture was not quite successful but the learning was immense . “Though the standard issues of shortage of funds, team, are common with any startup, my biggest challenge was the lack of understanding on how to set up the right profitable business model. Being from a non-business family background, I didn’t have any idea how to set up a business. I started my startup while I was still studying; hence to manage the startup along with my studies at IIM was a very big challenge.”-He says.

Priyanjit Ghosh, playing an important role in developing the tech ecosystem at Chhattisgarh

Right after his MBA in 2019 he continued working towards his passion and started his next venture in a more planned way. He realized that every company wants to implement AI in their workflow; however, they lack resources to establish an AI team. This is where he identified a huge opportunity to establish a virtual remote AI team as an offering. He started collaborating as AI partner to multiple established tech companies and startups and that his when he cofounded his venture Codevector Labs with a core aim to help companies implement AI in their workflow.

His message to the budding entrepreneurs-One cannot depend on investors’ funds to run operations. Client money is the best money! Execute projects – get client money – re-invest in the business!