The recent data on economic growth in India reveals that the technology sector is the leading growth engine and has beaten pandemic’s  impact.

It is true for Chhattisgarh also, the tech sector is fast becoming a source for economic prosperity, and more significantly, a source of employment. 

TransAssured: Techment’s Process Automation Solution 

Today, under COVID-19 chaos, even the world’s biggest firms are facing a tough time managing their operations. Technology is playing a sterling role in keeping the world functional in these dire times. Process automation relieves companies of many laborious, non-value-adding tasks by automating them and making operations and delivery much more agile and efficient. 

Techment Technology Inc., headquartered in Bhilai, with development centers in Indore and Bangalore, is a fast-growing IT product and services company that helps organizations across the globe meet their business goal with its cutting-edge technology solutions. It has clients based in the US, Europe, Australia, Middle East, and India. The organization’s offerings have found acceptance and recognition across continents. 

Recently, its process automation platform, TransAssured, was acquired by a US-based managed care company, AVO Transportation and Language services LLP. 

TransAssured empowers managed care companies by integrating a vast number of healthcare providers from transportation, physiotherapy to psychiatric services on a single platform. It can ensure seamless coordination between the stakeholders; automate work and information flow along with real-time monitoring of process developments and automated creation of bills. 

It thus becomes a prerequisite for managed care companies if they were to respond with agility to the new issues such as rising cost, stringent regulations, COVID-19 & opioid crisis, etc. 

The chief benefits delivered by TransAssured are: 

Simplify Value Chain by Integrating Stakeholders
Many stakeholders brought together at one platform to coordinate seamlessly and share services for creating value at scale. 

Augment Cost Efficiency
More work in less time and at higher accuracy for better customer experience.

Focus on Value Creation
Automated scheduling appointments, confirmation & reconfirmation, and process tracking, etc. 

Generate Competitive Advantage 
Process automation gives companies a lot of advantages and paves the way for further advancements such as telemedicine and more. 
There are numerous benefits of the platform which can be explored at their website-

Chhattisgarh: an Emerging Technology Hub
The recent growth in the technology ecosystem is impressive, and companies like Techment are doing the vital task of building the tech ecosystem of the state. Such foreign exposure and interaction will surely help Chhattisgarh’s global brand equity. With the rise of many technology companies, there is a lot to cheer for!