Lead started back in 2019 by Dr Sanket Thakur with his team of few altruist and cause oriented young people with a motive to encourage young people for cause driven leadership, where they lead not for fame money or power but rather for passion compassion and serving the world.

Cloth Bank, Chhattisgarh

Cloth Bank
The very first initiative that lead began with was cloth bank.”People use to join us every Saturday ,donate clothes and the next day we donated these clothes in Mekahara Ambedkar hospital.Eventually with time this also increased our volunteer count and motivated many people to join lead foundation for cloth donation drive.With time we realised that we were not just donating cloths but also motivating reuse and thus stopping the waste dump of clothes.”- he explained. Later for ease of collection they started placing a Cloth Box in every society and thus making the process of cloth donation easy.So far cloth bank has a team of 100 young associates. This has motivated many more groups within the city to collect and donate cloths.They have spent more than 50 weeks collecting and donating clothes and have so far donated more than 1 lakh clothes ,reached out to more then 4000 family and helped more then 60000 needy people. They also have has full support from InstaDry for being their laundry partner for the cause and thus making the charity more dignified!