At the start of the pandemic, they saw teachers and educators around struggling to bring their classes online and that is when they set off on a mission- to bring a positive change in the society by Making Learning Better.
” Our first step was to get a closer look at where the problem was. After interviewing more than 50 teachers around India, we realized that the problem was “juggling.”- explains Harshit, founder, SmileBots.

Teachers all around the world constantly juggle between a 100 different things. From teaching, to setting papers, checking them, maintaining discipline, planning lessons, and even the hefty duty of co-curriculars. This is the normal life of an everyday teacher. And now, they had an even bigger obstacle of doing all of this daily juggle remotely and online. The pandemic has actually turned their juggle into a real struggle!

This is when they started building NetPractice. NetPractice is a platform which allows teachers and students to bring all their teaching, learning, communication, assessment, and attendance to one place. Currently, every teacher on average has to use 4 different solutions to manage their day to day classes. With NetPractice, it all comes down to just one solution.

Their first motive was to make their solution highly user friendly so that their solution was easily usable by every single teacher, student, and parent even if they weren’t tech-savvy.

Secondly, they focused their direction heavily on the platform’s security. Security problems in online teaching had shown to be a major concern for schools, students, and parents. They worked hard to ensure that absolutely no security breach can happen so that learning can happen in a safe and healthy manner

In four months they launched their Minimal Viable Product! The first version of NetPractice had modules for Virtual Teaching, Study Material, Student Management, & Teacher-Student Chat. Soon after rolling out their MVP to multiple teachers to 5+ states in India, they set up a customer support team to fix any issues faced by the teachers and to help them in their teaching journey.

They are currently working towards their next big innovation in this product, which is Artificial Intelligence powered Personalised Learning. The technological advancement in the world of AI has enabled them to provide each student with their own personalised learning experiences. This kind of learning is called Adaptive Learning, which they will soon be launching on NetPractice with Online Examination & Assessment.

They hope to make a huge difference in the world of Education and truly someday achieve their Vision of “Making Learning Better.”