During these unprecedented pandemic times, when stepping out of the house even for medical reasons felt dangerous, people’s health took a great hit due to unavailability of basic medical times. In such times, a virtual voice assistant to help you with all your medical woes came in as a blessing for a lot of families.
AshaDidi, a Chhattisgarh based start up, has come to the rescue for millions as it strives to resolved millions of health related queries using its friendly voice assistant based app.

Whether its the basic medical queries related to aches or fever to severe surgical procedures, you can receive help just by downloading the AshaDidi app without having to step out of the comfort of your house during these pandemic times.
One of the biggest problems faced by people during the Covid times was unavailability of doctor consultations for numerous other medical conditions but with AshaDidi you can receive online doctor consultation from the experts.

Bringing his years of experience in the field of technology, AshaDidi co-founder Prashant Agrawal has developed a virtual voice assistant that not only helps users to identify their symptoms, diagnose their ailments but also provides information about the nearest available experts.
During his time in the healthcare industry and special during the lockdown times where loved ones couldn’t visit each other with ease, Vikram Aditya, Founder and CEO of AshaDidi, noticed numerous issues faced by family members as they kept a track on their loved one’s health. He realised the importance of creating a single platform where reports, tests and all other health related information could collected, making it easier for the other family members to review, analyse as well as share the medical updates of the family members.

AshaDidi has not limited itself only to medical expertise but it helps users with their overall health by providing diet plans as well as fitness routines as per the users’ health demands.
Due to the fast paced lives, we continuously keep on pushing our health priorities to the back burner but with AshaDidi’s reminders, we won’t be forgetting our post lunch medicines anymore. AshaDidi keeps a holistic check on our health, reminding us not only for our medicines but also the required water intake and physical activities as well.
In todays times, with work taking forefront, AshaDidi is a lifesaver for our medical needs, not only just keeping a check on our health conditions but also reminding us of that important medicine that just shouldn’t be missed.