Mainpat is popularly known as the Shimla of Surguja and is emerging as a tourist destination of Chhattisgarh. Tibetians at Mainpat run small industries of designer mat -Kalin and woolen cloths. The serene and beautiful Buddha Monastery is a must visit there. They followers of Dalai Lama have developed a beautiful atmosphere of humanity in Mainpat.
In 1962-63 where a lot of Tibetans migrated to India, Government of India allotted them the land in various parts of the country that are now becoming the tourist attractions. They chose to live on this hill because the heat in the plains was not bearable for them. The higher altitude gave them some homely comfort. It used to be a complete jungle and lots of trees were cut to make it a settlement. Initially, there was one single camp that accommodated everyone. But later they were rehabilitated into seven different camps spread across the hill.

Other attractions around Mainpat: ‘The earth here shakes.’ Mehta Point has developed into an enclosure more than a point! A few kilometres from Mehta Point, comes the Bear Point; from here there are some faintly marked trails that go down to the valley below via a few caves which used to be a regular haunt of bears. The Tiger Falls is on the way to Kailash Gufa; the Gufa itself is a series of caves tucked beneath escarpments, an on-and-off ashram. Concrete steps with steel balustrade go all the way down to the bottom of the waterfalls which traces a silvery cascade from 60 metres high. Machali River where you can join the locals in a spot of fishing. The Milky Way is another waterfall nearby Machali Point so called for obvious reasons.