As the world gradually adapts to the Post-Covid normalcy, governments across the globe have accelerated their efforts to bring the economy back on track. With rising unemployment and stagnant growth, state’s have been forced to create new development avenues.
Along with the global industrial decline, the industries of the state also took a major hit during the covid times directing Chhattisgarh’s government attention towards growth and employment opportunities in agro based industries. During the lockdown days and the months that followed, agriculture and agro based industries were amongst the only few sectors that continued to reflect growth and create large scale employment.
Acting on its electoral promises, the government of Chhattisgarh has also stepped its efforts to encourage agro based industries in the state. Under its recently implemented Gaudhan Nyay Yojana, the government will procure cow dung from livestock owners and dairy farms. With the implementation of the scheme, the government will not only be generating employment but also providing a much needed boost to the rural economy.
Under the Gaudhan Nyay Yojana, the government will be procuring cow dung at Rs. 2 per kg. Cow dung, which will procured door to door by newly formed Gaudhan Samities, will then be converted to vermiposts.
Open grazing practices of the state have been adversely affecting the farmers’ profits but with a successful implementation of the scheme, livestock owners will take keen interest on their livestocks’ even after it has stopped producing milk ultimately reducing the number of stray livestock on the roads. The rising stray cattle have been one of the biggest reasons in rising road accidents.
Vermiposts, produced by numerous assigned self help groups in the state, will then be sold at a higher price of Rs. 8 per kg. As the government puts all its energy behind promoting the newly implemented schemes, large scale infrastructure projects including cow sheds and procurement centres are also being created fora smooth implementation.
Since coming to power, the government has been pushing for ‘self reliance’ and the state officials believe that with the vermipost produced under the scheme, dependence on expensive fertilisers can also be brought down significantly.
Gaudhan Nyay Yojana of the state goverment has turned cow dung, which was earlier treated as waste that needed special efforts to be discarded, into a bright money making opportunity. Gaudhan Nyay Yojana has not only brought the suffering rural economy back on track but also create large scale rural employment as well as step up infrastructure. With the implementation of one single scheme, the government has been able to resolve numerous issues including open cattle grazing as well as the increase of use of fertilisers and harming chemicals.