With a vision to ensure students don’t miss out on job opportunities during the placement process and companies don’t have to manually shift through massive databases, Superset was started by CG Entrepreneurs – Pranjal Goswami and Naman Agrawal, alumni of IIT Kharagpur.

About their start-up – Superset
The entrepreneurs explained that the companies have to spend weeks sorting through student data from colleges and look for those who fit the criteria.
They often get candidates they did not ask for. They are also unable to tap into the talent pool available in tier-2 and tier-3 cities.
Their software tool titled joinsuperset.com helps the college and companies manage this process easily. Using the tool, a recruiter floats a job opportunity with fixed criteria and the online tool ensures it reaches the right candidates. Universities that buy the tool from the startup, get their students to register on it.
Students get notified of suitable opportunities related to their course through SMS, email and on the mobile app linked to the tool. All they have to do is click on apply and their details are shared with the recruiter directly.

A SaaS Platform
A SaaS platform ensures that data is kept secure and the talent pool is credible. It acts as the gateway for universities to access the best of the best. This, coupled with the fact that the exposure to skilled labour on a SaaS platform spans distance assures diversification in the recruitment process.
It can also facilitate multiple interview rounds, categorizing the filtered candidates by percentage of compatibility and level assessment decisions, resulting in an efficient interviewing process. Considering that it is an automated filtering process ensures that it maintains objectivity in the selection process, thereby eliminating human bias.
SaaS platforms can optimize results by a considerable margin with the help of the Applicant tracking system which eliminates confusion.