Satyajeet Dubey, one of the most successful personalities has emerged from the roots of Chhattisgarh, and inspired a lot of people from the state to dream big.

Born and raised in Bilaspur, Satyajeet was always interested in Dancing, Drama, Music, anything which had a trace of performance art in it. Since childhood people appreciated his talent.

Things haven’t been easy for Satyajeet either, as he had to face a setback in life when he lost his father at the age of 12. It was his Grandmother who not only brought him up but supported the entire family single-handedly. In fact, he gives all the credits of his success to his Grandmother appreciating her efforts in his upbringing and also inspiring him to reach where he is today.

He worked at different Call centres, Coffee outlets and Fashion shows to pay his bills, and survive in the city of dreams, His first big break came as Roshan Abbas directorial “Always Kabhi Kabhi” in the year 2011.

Satyajeet has not just mads a name in the industry, but is also inspiring many young and aspiring actors from the state.

With a few web projects in the pipeline, and a couple more movies under the hat, Satyajeet doesn’t seem to be stopping here.