Apprison is a mobile app which aims to reduce distractions caused by other mobile apps. It is a gamified digital wellbeing solution in which users are given points for imprisoning apps that distract them. Apprison empowers the users to avoid distracting apps by making them the judge, jury and executioner of their prison. Its progression system gives an incentive to the users while helping them enhance their productivity. The versatility of the punishments caters to the varying needs of the users allowing them to block an app from being used or associate a productivity app with its usage.

Based on the reports from Forbes and RescueTime, mobile app usage is one of the primary causes of decreasing productivity and can cause a loss of more than 40% of an average professional’s work efficiency. Smartphones have become a major force behind failing family connections and distant relationships. While it is a problem known by most, the essence lies not in the willingness of users to change but their inability to stick to their conviction.

Jagrit Surisetti is a young entrepreneur, a musician and an Artificial Intelligence researcher. With an experience of working in this domain for 2 years, he has a good understanding of the ins and outs of the changing digital landscape and the way in which it affects people’s lives.