Founded by Yash Raj Agrawal, GimBooks assists small and micro-sized businesses in India to create and manage documents like GST-compliant invoices, waybills, quotations, purchase orders, delivery challans, manage their inventory and expenses, keep a live…

Author: cginnovate
Chhattisgarh was formed in the year 2000, along with the states of Uttarakhand, and Jharkhand on the grounds of distinct ethnicity and culture. On its 20th birthday, it is essential to look back at the…
In the first half of the decade of this century, the largest companies in the world were from the oil and gas, manufacturing, and automotive industry. Today, technology companies rule the world, and India is…
Chhattisgarh is a unique state from every dimension; from culture, flora and fauna, people, minerals, geographical diversity to MSMEs and large industrial hubs. In the last two decades remarkable economic progress has been made on…
शुरुआत में, राज्य के कवर्धा जिला की महिलाएँ दैनिक मज़दूरी का काम करती थीं। वे खेतों में जाते थे और वहां काम करते थे। अधिकतर समय वे खाली हाथ घर लौटते थे। वे अपने पति…
Dipti Agrawal from Bilaspur Chhattisgarh is a technology entrepreneur, highly accomplished leader with extensive experience in business, consulting and project management. Dipti has over 15 years of hands on experience in driving ERP implementation efforts…
With a goal ‘to become the one stop solution for all your vehicle owning woes’ YourWheeler, a Chhattisgarh startup offers the most relevant and cost effective help, with just a click of the YourWheeler SOS…
Bastar Dussehra is deeply influenced by the local myths and religious beliefs and the customs of the tribals.Bastar Dussehra is celebrated in Dandakarnya, where Lord Rama is believed to have spent the 14 years of…
छत्तीसगढ़ में कांकेर जिले के सीताफल अब पूरे देश में प्रसिद्ध हो रहे हैं। यहां के जंगलों में कुदरती तौर पर सीताफल के कई सारे पेड़ लगे हुए हैं। यही वजह है कि सूखे की…
श्रीमती कविता दीक्षित खेल व्यक्तित्व का एक आदर्श उदाहरण है। उनका मानना है कि जो सच्चे मायने में विनर्स है वह ट्रेनिंग में आस्था रखते है और लूज़र्स शिकायत करते है बस। यह वह उद्धरण…
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